How Can Employers Promote Mental Health At Work? 

Promoting proper mental health in the workplace is a great way for employers to increase the overall productivity of their employees and increase the success of their organization. According to the World Health Organization, mental health issues, like depression and anxiety, can cost the global economy an estimated $1 trillion per year in lost productivity. Employers are playing an important role in creating a supportive environment for their employees, by fostering mental well-being. Let us take a look at some practical strategies that can help guide employers in promoting mental health for their employees at work. 

Understand The Importance Of Mental Health At Work

In The UK alone, one in six workers experienced common mental health problems like anxiety and depression. These mental health issues can be the leading cause of sickness alone, with over 70 million work days being lost each year in the UK due to mental health problems.

Employers have a legal obligation and duty to take care of their employees under the Health and Safety at Work Act. This act obligates them to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their employees. Other than legal requirements, employers are encouraged to promote mental health as a moral obligation that will contribute to a positive and productive work environment.

Practical Steps Employers Can Take

It is best for employers to create an environment where their employees feel comfortable in discussing their mental health issues without having to fear being stigmatized or judged. With the help of regular chickens and open door policies, employees can be a lot more comfortable in communicating about their issues. Businesses should provide training for their managers and employees to recognize signs of mental health issues and understand how to offer support for their employees.

Lawyers should offer Employee Assistance Programs or EAPs for their employees, so that they can give them confidential counseling and support services. Multiple studies have shown that employees who use EAPs have reduced stress and an overall improvement in their well-being. Employers should employ their employees to take mental health days as they would for their physical illnesses, as we acknowledge that their mental health issues are equally important. 

Employers should implement flexible working arrangements so that they can help their employees manage their work life balance better. This can help them choose remote work options, have flexible start, and times, and enjoy compressed work weeks. Try to encourage your employees to take regular breaks throughout the day so that they can reduce their stress and not you can also provide them with a designated area, so that they can truly relax.

Lawyers should focus on providing opportunities for professional development and career advancement for their employees. Workers who feel more valued and see a path for growth are more likely to experience satisfaction with their job and have low stress levels. You can also try to offer training programs that will enhance their skills and competency. This will not only benefit the organization, but also boost the confidence and mental health of your employees.

When it comes to promoting mental health at work, it is important to understand that it is a multifaceted approach that requires employers to have an open culture with their employees, provide access to resources, promote life, balance, and create a supportive physical environment. By implementing the strategies and promoting employees to visit therapists like The Calm Planet, employers can not only increase the overall success of the organization, but also benefit their employees.