How Can We Cultivate Compassion and Awareness to keep the romance alive?

Having a healthy relationship can be one of the most fulfilling and mentally stabilizing parts of one’s life, but on the other hand, an unstable and toxic relationship is quite capable of straining the whole joy of life. That is why it is essential to be aware and strive for a healthy relationship, in hopes of keeping romance alive. This article is a guide for all couples wishing to strengthen their relationship and keep the romance going strong with the help of awareness and compassion. 

Why Is Compassion And Awareness Essential In Relationships?

Most humans have the craving to be understood and loved. It is a cardinal and primitive need that has been cultivated with us. After the basic needs of food and shelter have been met, most people desire to be loved and showered with affection, appreciation, and acceptance. When these needs are not fulfilled, most of us seek them from other sources or become angry with the person who was supposed to shower us with these things. This can turn the relationship sour and dry out any chances of romance. This makes the need for compassion and awareness in relationships essential and integral for romance and the longevity of happiness.  

How To Cultivate Compassion And Awareness In Relationships?

There are many ways of compassion and awareness in their relationship so that they can have a fruitful and long romance in their love life. The best ways to cultivate compassion and awareness in relationships are:

Whenever there is a disagreement or a fight, try to take a few minutes apart and rethink your Opinions, so that you do not say anything you may regret. By taking some time to rethink the whole situation, it may help couples cool down and not take the fight as seriously. Communication is the key to a healthy and loving relationship. 

There are many times one might think that the partner is being unfair, or extremely rude about certain situations. However, individuals need to try to think about the whole situation from their partner’s point of view. Empathy can help you and your partner be more loving and caring for one another. 

Whenever you feel like you are getting frustrated with a relationship, try taking a look at your partner, and listen to what they are saying. Most of the time, the partner shows many signs of discomfort and their actual emotions, and only by looking and listening to your partner can you be aware of their mental space too. 

Most people don’t aware of the fact that the partner is an actual person, and has emotions too. It is essential to view the partner as a counterpart, and someone equal to yourself, rather than someone who is a part of your story. 

Though it may seem tough in most situations, try to be kind to your partner. Being kind is not hard to do, all you have to do is listen to them and consider their opinions and mentality with compassion and love. This kindness can go a long way, as it helps your partner feel comfortable in the relationship.

One of the best things to keep romance alive has to be changing up the scenario every once in a while. Try taking a short trip, or spending a day in the spa, to relax both yourself and your partner, so that you can approach the relationship in a better mental space.

If you still find yourself having a tough time navigating the relationship, try visiting a couples counselor and communicating with them. At The Calm Planet, we have made it our priority to help couples find a middle ground and create a relationship worth striving and struggling for because there is nothing better than a relationship that survives the toughest storms and rises out of it victorious.Â