Mindfulness Practices to Alleviate Chronic Pain and Improve Quality of Life

Chronic pain is a huge burden that affects millions of people worldwide and comes in various forms, like back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even migraines. Its burden is so huge that it goes beyond physical discomfort, and often reduces the quality of life, causes mental health issues, and results in a lot of economic strain. While traditional treatments like medicine and physical therapy Are important to treat it, certain mindfulness practices can be a powerful approach to managing chronic pain and enhancing overall well-being. In this article, we will look at different types of chronic pain and offer practical mindfulness exercises aimed at reducing the pain and improving the quality of your life.

What Is Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain can be defined as pain that persists for more than 12 weeks, even after the injury or the underlying cause has healed. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US alone there are 20.4% of adults who have chronic pain in 2019, with 7.4% of them having high-impact chronic pain affecting their life or activities. Some comment types of chronic pain are: 

This affects over 8% of adults and results from injury, poor posture, or other underlying conditions like disc degeneration.

It is characterized by joint inflammation, and over 54 million adults in the US alone suffer from it. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common types.

Affects about 4 million adults in every country, and causes widespread musculoskeletal, pain, fatigue, and tender points.

Mindfulness Practices to Alleviate Chronic Pain and Improve Quality of Life

The Role Of Mindfulness In Chronic Pain Management

Mindfulness can be characterized as a practice that takes root in Buddhist meditation, it involves maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings, body, sensations, and the surrounding environment. There are a wide number of studies that have shown the positive effect of mindfulness and reducing chronic pain and improving the quality of life. A meta-analysis in the Journal of American Medical Association done in 2016 found that mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) is a great way to alleviate chronic pain and improve psychological well-being. 

Practical Mindfulness Exercises For Chronic Pain

Multiple methods can be experimented with to reduce the pain and strain of chronic issues, and the best mindfulness practices are: 

In this practice, the individual has to lie down and bring attention to each part of their body, starting from the toes and moving up to the head slowly. In this method, they have to observe the sensations without judgment. Multiple researches have shown that this is a great way to reduce pain, and intensity and regulate emotions in individuals who suffer from chronic pain.

Another great method is to take deep breaths to calm down the nervous system and reduce the perception of the pain. A very very common technique is the 4-7-8 technique where the person has to inhale for four seconds, hold their breath for seven seconds, and then exhale for eight seconds.

People who suffer from chronic pain are often unable to commit to exercising, but incorporating gentle, yoga or tai chi techniques can be a great way for them to improve their flexibility, strength, and overall physical function without causing physical pain or strain. A study published by Pain Medicine showed that people who engaged in mindful movement had significant reductions in their chronic lower back pain.

A study in Annals of Behavioral Medicine showed that a technique known as mindful walking, which is essentially walking while having full awareness of every step and every breath that is being taken to reduce stress, causes improved pain, acceptance, and reduced distress for people with chronic pain.

How To Integrate Mindfulness In Daily Life?

If you find yourself having a tough time committing and staying consistent to integrating mindfulness into your daily life, here are some tips that can help you keep these practices in your daily routine: 

Dedicate at least 10 to 20 minutes for the exercises, and gradually increase the time as you become comfortable.

There are certain apps available like Headspace or Calm that offer guided mindfulness and meditation sessions that can help you manage your pain. 

Try to stay focused on the taste, texture, and aroma of the food during meal times. This can help you shift your focus from the pain and enjoy your food.

If you wish to express or converse with someone about your chronic pain and professional help, The Calm Planet is your best choice. Receive guided therapist insight, which will help you deal with back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and even migraines, while incorporating mindfulness practices in your daily life.